ACT! 1.0 for Windows CE Read Me 6/18/97 Copyright 1997 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. GENERAL NOTES ------------- * The fastest way to link data to and from your HPC is to select the Send and Receive option and the Since Last Link option. On subsequent links, you can also save a minute or two by disabling the Field Labels and Field Drop-downs checkboxes. If you make changes to your field labels and field drop-downs in your desktop ACT! database, enable the Field Labels and Field Drop-downs checkboxes the next time you send your desktop database to your HPC. * The Contact and Contact List views display the same lookup of contacts. When you perform a lookup operation, only the contacts in that lookup appear in your Contact and Contact List views. If you do not see the contacts you were expecting, tap the Lookup tool to perform another lookup operation. (The Group and Group List views also display the same lookup.) * To best protect your data, deleted contacts or groups are not exchanged between your desktop ACT! database and your HPC ACT! database. If your HPC is low on memory, feel free to delete contacts or groups on your HPC with the knowledge that the desktop ACT! database will be unaffected, even after linking. If you have deleted several contacts or groups in your desktop database and you want these changes to be sent to your HPC database, select the Send option and the Delete Database Before Downloading option in the Link Wizard in your desktop ACT! database before you link. * When an alarm sounds on your HPC while you are using ACT! on your HPC, the flashing light will not turn off until you press the alarm button on the side of your HPC. If you are using a Velo or another HPC device that does not have a button to cancel the flashing light, double-click the ACT! icon in the HPC status bar to the left of the system time before clearing or snoozing the activity. When an alarm sounds on your HPC while ACT! is not running, double-click the ACT! icon on your HPC desktop or in the HPC status bar. The Alarms dialog box appears as soon as ACT! is running on your HPC and displays the current alarm. Select the required option. * Linking is database-specific, not device-specific. If you have previously linked your desktop ACT! database to another PDA database (Newton, Psion, or HPlx), select the Send option and the All Dates option, or select the Send and Receive option and the All Dates option in the Link Setup wizard. If you do not select either of these options, you will link only the contact records that you added to your ACT! database since the last time you linked to a PDA database. * If you select the Delete Database Before Downloading option in the Link Setup wizard, select the Send option and the All Dates option in the Link Setup wizard. If you select the Send and Receive option instead of the Send option, your desktop ACT! database will first receive your HPC database, then delete the ACT! database on your HPC, then send your desktop ACT! database (including the received HPC database) back to your HPC. * If you have created ACT! databases on the HPC and desktop but you have not yet linked the two, it is possible to merge identical contact records during the data exchange process. To merge identical contact records, make sure that the Company, Contact Name, and Phone number (including phone number formatting) information is identical in the two contact records. * The ACT! for Windows CE database is a different database than the Microsoft Contacts database on your HPC. If you have already used the Contacts database extensively and you want to use this data in ACT!, you can link the data to Schedule+ on the desktop, then import the Schedule+ data into your desktop ACT! database. * When you change a contact field in your HPC ACT! database, then exchange data with a desktop ACT! database, the entire contact record is updated (not just the field) in your desktop ACT! database. This means that if you perform a subsequent synchronization between your updated desktop ACT! database and another desktop ACT! database that shares the same contact record, the entire changed contact record is synchronized. Changes made to the same contact record in the other desktop ACT! database before the synchronization may be lost. * ACT! uses the HPC Explorer when linking your desktop and HPC ACT! databases. Some systems seem to consistently have difficulty communicating between the desktop and the HPC. If you have this problem, run the HPC Explorer on your desktop in the background while linking. The most common HPC Explorer problems are: - The system wants you to re-map your network drive. To fix this, click Yes in the message box. Your mapping will remain correct and the link will continue. - You can't get the desktop and your HPC to communicate. To fix this, try the following (in order): 1. Make sure you have plugged your HPC into the correct COM port on your desktop computer. 2. Make sure you are communicating at the same modem speed. Change the speed to 19200 bps on your desktop computer and your HPC. 3. Make sure you are a New Partner or Guest with HPC Explorer and try linking again. 4. Connect your HPC to your desktop computer and run HPC Explorer. When the communications message box appears on your HPC, disconnect your HPC from the desktop computer, then reconnect the HPC to the desktop computer. 5. If the HPC Explorer still cannot communicate after performing the previous steps, reboot your HPC and try linking again. For more information about troubleshooting HPC Explorer problems, see the HPC Explorer online help. From the Help menu in HPC Explorer, choose HPC Explorer Help Topics.